How to Hide or Remove blog header Title , Description from Blogspot

The Process to Hide Blog Title and Description
New bloggers are often face problem for hiding blogspot title from their blogs. It can be removed via simple steps but if you want to Hide them permanently then Simple Follow below Instruction.

Step1: Sign in to Blogger
Step2: On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the Design link of the blog that you want to disable or remove its Title and Description.

Step3: Under the Layout tab, click on Edit HTML tab to view the template’s HTML code.

Step4: Search for the following line of code:

a) Hide Blog Title...
Search for #Header h1 in your HTML code. Now insert  display:none;  at the end of the code.
.Header h1 
  font: $(header.font);
  color: $(header.text.color);
  text-shadow: $(header.shadow.offset.left) $( $(header.shadow.spread) rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

.Header h1 a {
  color: $(header.text.color);

b) Hide Blog Description
Search for  #Header your HTML code. Now insert  display:none; at the end of the code.

.Header .description {
  font-size: $(description.text.size);
  color: $(description.text.color);

Note:- You can also use this option if your want to add a header image that will completely hide your title and description.

  • Click "Edit" on the title page element  found below the navbar page element on the top.
  • Upload your header image and click on the radio button "Instead of title and description" under placement.
Click Save and view your blog.


  1. Help is their anyone here know how to hide the page title in the blog main body or description???
